Acupuncture is found effective for the treatment of paralysis caused a stroke, research tested the Shujingtongluo acupuncture protocol for the treatment of hemiplegia a type of stroke affecting one side body.

Medicine (TCM) principles, alleviate blood stasis, enhance cerebral circulation, promote blood circulation to benefit brain cells, reduce brain tissue damage.

Problems of male sexual performance

There is a range of sexual problems, which are so common that most men experience them at some stage in their life. The following are common problems of male sexual performance:

1. Premature ejaculation is the commonest sexual problem.

2. Loss of libido is experienced by most people at some stage.

3. Impotence is the inability to have sexual intercourse due to failure in achieving or maintaining an erection. Chinese medicine believes that strengthening the kidneys could treat impotence. A combination of approaches may be recommended by L&N Therapy.

4. Delayed ejaculation is the inability to achieve ejaculation during penetrative sexual intercourse and is usually caused by deeply rooted psychosomatic factors or fears about which the man is unaware.

Male infertility

If, after at least one year of regular sexual intercourse throughout the woman’ monthly cycle, pregnancy has not occurred, it is wise to seek medical advice.

1. Anatomical problems such as damage or scar tissue following pelvic or prostate gland surgery.

2. Reduced numbers of normal sperm or low sperm count, which may be caused by numerous different factors, such as hormonal defects, genetic factors, previous injury, infection or radiotherapy, environmental factors.

3. Impaired efficiency in the operation of sperm.

4. Problems caused by the immune system.

In China, historically, people use Chinese herbal medicine or sometime acupuncture to achieve very good results.

The indication of possible infertility is when a couple fails to achieve conception after a year or more of intercourse without contraception.

In China, historically and nowadays, people use traditional Chinese medicine to treat infertility. The treatment is provided based on the individual diagnose after the private consultation with the Chinese medicine doctor.

Acupuncture is used in china for cosmetics purpose by improving blood and Qi circulation to your outer extremities. This improved circulation makes eyes brighter, hair stronger and shinier, and skin firmer, softer and more radiant. This is a very special service that allows you to improve your appearance from the inside using only the natural effects of your body, complete with a mini facial massage.

The mainstays of treatment for obesity are sensible dieting, exercise and changes in behavior. Losing a great deal of weight is never easy, particularly as it requires a lot of willpower and the changing of eating habits acquires over a lifetime.

1. Acupuncture therapy

This treatment course has been high recommended.

2. Slimming tea

Made from natural Chinese herbal leaves, which boasts reducing fat from the blood stream and also detoxifying the stomach to cutting routine calorie intake.

3, life management

Acupuncture effectively treats stress disorders by unblocking stuck energy, allowing it to flow freely throughout the body. The specific calming and restorative effect on the sympathetic nervous system also helps you cope better with stressful situations, feel more relaxed and allow blood pressure and tempers to stay even.

Our experienced and skilful practitioners are able to assess & provide personalised treatment and rehabilitation programmes for the following conditions:

1. Neck & Back Pain

2. Whip lash & Frozen neck

3. Spinal disc injuries & Sciatica

4. Frozen or strained shoulders

5. Tennis & Golfer’s elbow

6. Carpel tunnel syndrome & Hand pain

7. Hip, knee, ankle & foot pain

8. Sporting & work related injuries

9. Post-operative pain

10. Muscular pain & cramps

11. Tendonitis & Repetitive Stress Injuries (R.S.I)

12. Rheumatoid Arthritis & Oesteo Arthritis

13. Fibromyalgia

14. Neuralgia & Shingles/nerve pain

15. Headaches & Migraines

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Treating Pain and Specific Conditions

Overall Health and Rejuvenation

Deep tissue massage is the manipulation of the deeper layers of muscle and soft tissues in the body. The massage therapist uses warm oils and direct pressure to relax the top layer of muscle in order to reach deeper layers of the muscle tissue. Many people get a deep tissue massage to help relieve chronic aches and pain. Some feel the benefits of a deep tissue massage in minimising low back pain, releasing tension in a stiff neck, sore shoulders, upper back, or loosening tight muscles in their arms and legs.

Relaxation and Stress Relief

Treating Pain and Specific Conditions

Overall Health and Rejuvenation

During hot stone massage, your body is not only weighted down with hot, smooth stones, but the masseuse also uses the stones to massage your body.

The Chinese and Asian people have been using acupuncture for over 2000 years, it can stimulate the body’s natural healing responses, increase resistance to disease and restore the vitality of the body and mind.

Chinese massage incorporates the wisdom of ancient acupuncture point stimulation, Massage therapy treatments will have a therapeutic affect and improve health by acting directly on the muscular, nervous, circulatory and lymphatic (immune) systems.

Massage therapy aim to:

1. Develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function.

2. Relieve or prevent physical dysfunction and pain.

3. Relax tight and tense muscles.

4. Improve circulation, recovery time and immune system function.

5. Reduce overall stress.

Massage therapy is also effective in the control of pain chronic or acute, in stress reduction, and in creating a sense of relaxation and well-being.

We offer relaxing massage, Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, hot stone massage, shiatsu massage, thai massage

Glass jar cupping is another Chinese healing modality, which employs therapeutic glass jars to create a vacuum, to increase blood flow and expel stagnant blood and toxins out of the body.

For this service, please make a appointment before you come

It is the most relaxing therapy you have ever had, you will experience the traditional Chinese way to soak your feet with herbal medicine to prevent and treat many health problem.

Reflexology is a protocol of manual techniques, applied to specific reflex areas predominantly on the feet to diagnose and treat many diseases.

Ear wax removal is originated in ancient Oriental China, has a long history and culture of thousands of years, widely spread in the folk, it is not only to remove ear wax simply, the most important is to enjoy the process during wax removal, at the same time, massaging specific point at ear area, to treat stress, anxiety in order to the effect of relaxation and decompression.